Two Grumpy Bastards Podcast

Episode 41: Disinformation Board, Roe Vs. Wade Implications

Season 2 Episode 41

Koop discusses the reason for his absence.  Russ and Koop take on a couple of big shoots.  We discuss the attempt at George Orwellian public policy with the creation and pausing of the Disinformation Board AKA Ministry of Truth.  We have a detailed discussion of the legal ramifications of the Supreme Court upcoming decision to roll back Roe Vs. Wade, and our experiences and thoughts on abortion. 

Thank you for listening and subscribing and liking the hell out of us!

Politics. Culture. Society. Science. Comedy (both intentional and unintentional). General ranting from two self-righteous and overly-educated ex-Army guys. You could call them relics. You could call them #wokeless. You could call them agitators. But be careful, they may call you an ambulance. And..... one of them is an actual bastard

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Thank you for listening and subscribing and liking the hell out of us!

Politics. Culture. Society. Science. Comedy (both intentional and unintentional). General ranting from two self-righteous and overly-educated ex-Army guys. You could call them relics. You could call them #wokeless. You could call them agitators. But be careful, they may call you an ambulance. And..... one of them is an actual bastard

Podcasts are edited for YouTube, you can find the entire Two Grumpy Bastards Podcast on all podcast outlets. Please rate us!

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